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header_corp1x1.gif header_fond1x2.jpg Коллекция ирландской традиционной музыки

Celtic Collections - Celtic Spirit

Celtic Collections Price: €13.00


  1. Cead Mile Failte.
  2. The Mountains of Mourne.
  3. Revel in Reel Time.
  4. The Last Of The Summer.
  5. In College Green "Echoes Of Georgian Dublin" Suite.
  6. Irish American Song Book: Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ro/McNamara's Band/If You're Irish.
  7. Come Dance with Me in lreland.
  8. Danny Boy.
  9. The Fair Day 'An Irish Symphony".
  10. By the Waters of Moyle.
  11. The Irish Washerwoman "The Irish Suite".
  12. The Rakes of Mallow "The Irish Suite".
  13. When Irish Eyes are Smiling.
  14. 42nd Street Reel.


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