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header_corp1x1.gif header_fond1x2.jpg Коллекция ирландской традиционной музыки

Celtic Collections - Irish Drinking Songs

Celtic Collections Price: €13.00


  1. Jug of Punch.
  2. Auld Triangle.
  3. Red is the Rose.
  4. Rosie up in Moore Street.
  5. The Mountains of Mourne.
  6. Medley - Golden Girl: The Boys from the Co. Armagh / Molly Malone / Courtin' in the Kitchen / Isle of lnnisfree / When Irish Eyes are Smiling.
  7. Boolavogue.
  8. Danny Boy.
  9. All God's Creatures.
  10. The Ferryman.
  11. Medley - Cities: The Banks of My Own Lovely Lee / Limerick You're a Lady / The Rose of Tralee / Galway Bay / Rambles of Spring.
  12. Red Rose Cafe.


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