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Dr. TK Whitaker
• Message from Office of the Taoiseach
• Message from Office of the President
• Russian

the Book Perceptions of Ireland


Oifig Runai an Uachtarain
Baile Atha Cliath 8

Office of the Secretary to the President
Dublin 8

27 February, 2004

Slava Beskhmelnitskii
Russian Irish Business Club
69 The Oaks, Abberley
Shanganagh Road, Killiney
Co. Dublin

Dear Beskhmelnitskii,

President McAleese has asked me to thank you for the gift of the book published in Russian entitled 'Perceptions of Ireland' which was recently presented to her.

The President very much appreciates your thoughtfulness and sends her good wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Davey







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