Chapter 1. The Fundamentals of the Constitutional System
Article 1.
The Russian Federation -- Russia shall be a democratic federal rule-of-law
state with the republican form of government. The names "Russian Federation"
and "Russia" shall be equivalent.
Article 2.
Man, his rights and freedoms shall be the supreme value. It shall be a
duty of the state to recognize, respect and protect the rights and liberties
of man and citizen.
Article 3.
1. The multinational people of the Russian Federation shall be the vehicle
of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation.
2. The people of the Russian Federation shall exercise their power directly,
and also through organs of state power and local self-government.
3. The referendum and free elections shall be the supreme direct manifestation
of the power of the people.
4. No one may arrogate to oneself power in the Russian Federation. Seizure
of power or appropriation of power authorization shall be prosecuted under
federal law.
Article 4.
1. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation shall apply to its entire
2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws shall have
supremacy throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.
3. The Russian Federation shall ensure the integrity and inviolability
of its territory.
Article 5.
1. The Russian Federation shall consist of republics, territories, regions,
federal cities, an autonomous region and autonomous areas, which shall
be equal subjects of the Russian Federation.
2. The republic (state) shall have its own constitution and legislation.
A territory, region, federal city, autonomous region and autonomous area
shall have its own charter and legislation.
3. The federated structure of the Russian Federation shall be based on
its state integrity, the uniform system of state power, delimitation of
scopes of authority and powers between the bodies of state power of the
Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the subjects of the
Russian Federation, equality and self-determination of the peoples in
the Russian Federation.
4. All the subjects of the Russian Federation shall be equal among themselves
in relations with the Federal bodies of state power.
Article 6.
1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation shall be acquired and terminated
in accordance with the Federal law, and shall be one and equal irrespective
of the grounds on which it has been acquired.
2. Every citizen of the Russian Federation shall have all the rights and
liberties on its territory and bear equal duties, stipulated by the Constitution
of the Russian Federation.
3. A citizen of the Russian Federation may not be stripped of citizenship
or of the right to change it.
Article 7. 1. The Russian Federation shall be a social state,
whose policies shall be aimed at creating conditions which ensure a dignified
life and free development of man.
2. The Russian Federation shall protect the work and health of its people,
establish a guaranteed minimum wage, provide state support for family,
motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, and also for the disabled and for
elderly citizens, develop a system of social services and establish government
pensions, benefits and other social security guarantees.
Article 8.
1. Unity of economic space, free movement of goods, services and financial
resources, support for competition and freedom of any economic activity
shall be guaranteed in the Russian Federation.
2. Private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership shall be recognized
and shall enjoy equal protection in the Russian Federation.
Article 9.
1. The land and other natural resources shall be used and protected in
the Russian Federation as the basis of the life and activity of the peoples
living on their respective territories.
2. The land and other natural resources may be in private, state municipal
and other forms of ownership.
Article 10.
State power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised on the basis
of the separation of the legislative, executive and judiciary branches.
The bodies of legislative, executive and judiciary powers shall be independent.
Article 11.
1. State power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised by the President
of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly (Council of the Federation
and State Duma), and the government of the Russian Federation and courts
of the Russian Federation.
2. State power in the subjects of the Russian Federation shall be exercised
by the organs of state authority formed by them.
3. The scopes of authority and powers of the bodies of state authority
of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state authority of the subjects
of the Russian Federation shall be delimited under this Constitution,
Federal and other Treaties on the delimitation of scopes of authority
and powers.
Article 12. Local self-government shall be recognized and guaranteed
in the Russian Federation. Local self-government shall operate independently
within the bounds of its authority. The bodies of local self-government
shall not be part of the state power bodies.
Article 13.
1. Ideological plurality shall be recognized in the Russian Federation.
2. No ideology may be instituted as a state-sponsored or mandatory ideology.
3. Political plurality and the multi-party system shall be recognized
in the Russian Federation.
4. Public associations shall be equal before the law.
5. The establishment and the activities of public associations, whose
aims and actions are directed at forcible alteration of the fundamentals
of constitutional governance and violation of the integrity of the Russian
Federation and undermining of the security of the state, the forming of
armed units, the incitement of social, racial, national and religious
strife shall be prohibited.
Article 14.
1. The Russian Federation shall be a secular state. No religion may be
instituted as state-sponsored or mandatory religion.
2. Religious associations shall be separated from the state, and shall
be equal before the law.
Article 15.
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall have supreme legal
force and direct effect, and shall be applicable throughout the entire
territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts adopted
by the Russian Federation may not contravene the Constitution of the Russian
2. Organs of state power and local self-government, officials, citizens
and the associations must comply with the laws and the Constitution of
the Russian Federation.
3. The laws shall be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not
be applicable. No regulatory legal act affecting the rights, liberties
or duties of the human being and citizen may apply unless it has been
published officially for general knowledge.
4. The commonly recognized principles and norms of the international law
and the international treaties of the Russian Federation shall be a component
part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation
stipulates other rules than those stipulated by the law, the rules of
the international treaty shall apply.
Article 16.
1. The provisions of the present Chapter of the Constitution shall be
the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation
and may not be changed except as provided for in this Constitution.
2. No other provisions of this Constitution may contravene the foundations
of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.
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