Chapter 6. The Government of the Russian Federation
Article 110.
1. Executive power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised by the
Government of the Russian Federation.
2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall consist of the Chairman
of the Government of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairmen of the Government
and federal ministers.
Article 111.
1. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation shall be appointed
by the President of the Russian Federation with consent of the State Duma.
2. The proposal on the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of
the Russian Federation shall be made no later than two weeks after the
inauguration of the newly-elected President of the Russian Federation
or after the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation or
within one week after the rejection of the candidate by the State Duma.
The State Duma shall consider the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government
of the Russian Federation submitted by the President of the Russian Federation
within one week after the nomination.
3. After the State Duma thrice rejects candidates for Chairman of the
Government of the Russian Federation nominated by the President of the
Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation shall appoint
a Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, dissolve the State
Duma and call a new election.
Article 112.
1. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation shall, not
later than one week after appointment, submit to the President of the
Russian Federation proposals on the structures of the federal bodies of
executive power.
2. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation shall propose
to the President of the Russian Federation candidates for the office of
Deputy Chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal
Article 113.
The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance
with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees
of the President of the Russian Federation shall determine the guidelines
of the work of the Government of the Russian Federation and shall organize
its work.
Article 114.
1. The Government of the Russian Federation shall:
a) develop and submit the federal budget to the State Duma and ensure
compliance therewith; submit a report on the execution of the federal
budget to the State Duma;
b) ensure the implementation in the Russian Federation of a uniform financial,
credit and monetary policy;
c) ensure the implementation in the Russian Federation of a uniform state
policy in the field of culture, science, education, health, social security
and ecology;
d) manage federal property;
e) adopt measures to ensure the country's defense, state security and
the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation;
f) implement measures to ensure legality, the rights and freedoms of citizens,
protect property and public law and order and control crime;
g) exercise any other powers vested in it by the Constitution of the Russian
Federation, federal laws and the decrees of the President of the Russian
2. The work of the Government of the Russian Federation shall be regulated
by federal constitutional law.
Article 115.
1. On the basis of and pursuant to the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
federal laws and normative decrees of the President of the Russian Federation
the Government of the Russian Federation shall issue decrees and orders
and ensure their implementation thereof.
2. The decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation
shall be binding throughout the Russian Federation.
3. The decrees and executive orders of the Government of the Russian Federation
may be repealed by the President of the Russian Federation if they contravene
the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and the decrees
of the President of the Russian Federation.
Article 116.
The Government of the Russian Federation shall lay down its powers before
the newly-elected President of the Russian Federation.
Article 117.
1. The Government of the Russian Federation may hand in its resignation
which may be accepted or rejected by the President of the Russian Federation.
2. The President of the Russian Federation may take a decision about the
resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation. 3. The State
Duma may express non-confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation.
The non-confidence resolution shall be approved by a simple majority of
deputies in the State Duma. In the event the State Duma shall again express
non-confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation within three
months, the President of the Russian Federation shall announce the resignation
of the Government or dissolve the State Duma.
4. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation may put the
question of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation before
the State Duma. In the case of a non-confidence vote by the State Duma,
the President shall within seven days make a decision about the resignation
of the Government of the Russian Federation or about the dissolution of
the State Duma and call a new election.
5. If the Government of the Russian Federation resigns or lays down its
powers, it shall, following instructions by the President of the Russian
Federation, continue working until the formation of a new government of
the Russian Federation.
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tel: (01) 492 34 92
fax: (01) 492 35 25