Ирландский сленг

Irish Phrases That Don’t Translate

08.01.2016 Слава Ирландская жизнь

Not only do us Irish have our own language, Gaelic (though most of us that are actually from Ireland just call it Irish and can barely speak it), but our version of the English language is also like a whole different language itself. There are words & phrases which we use every day that any […]


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Irish Slang: Top 80 most used expressions

05.12.2014 Слава Ирландская жизнь

Arriving in Ireland, you may be forgiven for thinking you have been hoodwinked, cajoled, led up the garden path or just plain misinformed as to the language widely spoken here. Since before time us Irish have managed to invent our very own Slang words and phrases to unleash on all unfamiliar with the lingo! Here, […]


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